Hey Freud, Tell Me What This Dream Means

Friday, February 08, 2013
I am standing in front of a row house with an ax and a card table. I make a phone call. A pizza delivery man arrives and places a pizza on the card table. For some reason, the pizza is not boxed. I smash the pizza with the ax held sideways so the broad side of the head is smashing the pizza. I call in another pizza from another establishment, and repeat the process. A crowd gathers. I cannot explain how or why I came to be here smashing pizzas with an ax. More people gather. They are beginning to heckle me. This continues for a while until a torrential downpour begins, forcing the crowd to disperse and seek drier venues for their mocking stares. I wash my ax in the gutter, step into a gondola, and float away into the mist of infinity. What the shit would Freud have to say about that dream?

About the author

Just another idiot with a blog